Minera Valle Central
- www.mineravallecentral.cl
- comunicaciones@mineravallecentral.cl
- +56 72 2 330 1000
- Colihues Km 13, comuna de Requínoa. Región del Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins
MVC Soluciones Integrales en Queves is a firm that has been dedicated for almost three decades to the treatment of fresh and old tailings from Codelco's El Teniente Division. This experience has given MVC the knowledge to be part of the entire value chain involved in tailings treatment: engineering; design and operation of fresh tailings systems and those derived from extraction from (old) dams; transport; recovery of items of interest; environmental sanitation, among others.
Likewise, MVC offers a complete range of consulting services, which include coordination and execution of studies, management of the intervention of consultants and manufacturers, project management, and tailings management planning.
The company operates in the secondary mining industry since 1992, basing its work on innovation, knowledge management and continuous improvement.
Geographic Location and Connected Power
MVC is located in the Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins Region, Cachapoal Province, Requínoa commune, at km. 13 to the Southeast of the city of Rancagua, on the south bank of the Cachapoal River, at 663 m.a.s.l.
Potencia Conectada 39 MW