Codelco is an autonomous company, owned by the State of Chile and the largest producer of copper from mines in the world. It also concentrates the highest level of world copper reserves and resources and is the engine of the country's development.

Its main business is to explore, develop and exploit mineral resources, process them to produce refined copper and by-products, and then market them to customers around the world. This is done through eight divisions: Chuquicamata, Ministro Hales, Radomiro Tomic, Gabriela Mistral, Salvador, Andina, El Teniente and the Ventanas smelter and refinery, all of which are located between the Antofagasta Region and the Libertador General Bernardo O 'Region. Higgins. Its corporate strategy is coordinated and headed from the Headquarters, located in Santiago de Chile, by a board of directors made up of nine members and an executive president.

Currently Codelco is transforming itself to promote a new Chilean mining that contributes to the progress of the country and responds to the critical needs demanded by the extractive industry of the XXI century.

Connected Power 2.246 MW